Hi there!
I’m a game designer who loves getting deep into the details to create responsive, nuanced, and intuitive gameplay and controls in anything I work on. A passion for expressive puppetry and stop-motion animation when I was young led me to a focus on how everything in a game can contribute to the character and feel of the whole experience. From the minutiae of the controls and ‘game feel’, to the game’s core feedback loops and the flow of its level design, I always bring a focus on how a player’s every interaction with the experience can have satisfying and meaningful feedback that ties the whole thing together.

In 2019 I graduated from Champlain College in Burlington Vermont, where its well-rounded game design program and some additional art/animation and programming courses led me to excel in the intersection between design, art, and tech. In my last two years there I was design lead on two projects of varying team sizes, and did tutoring work for other students learning to work with game engines.
When I graduated, I was recruited to work in a design role at Gameloft, through the full production of Lego Star Wars: Castaways, and into pre-production on an unannounced project. In late 2022, I returned to the United States to recover from burnout and the isolation of moving to a new country right before the start of the pandemic. I’ve since regained my passion for game development, and I’m currently looking for work!